Friday, October 10, 2008

The 2nd Post... In Quick Succession

Anyway, I was supposed to blog on my reflections from my summer experiences. Haha but I'm too lazy and too tired. We'll leave that to another day.

2 things happened today.

I went to the Draftfcb video shoot for the Microsoft Singapore viral video with Melvin. My first time being filmed on video :P Haha I think my acting was damn stiff and damn cui. But the director was very patient and nice. He kept encouraging and praising us. The 2 professionals were damn good, they finished their scenes like in 1-2 takes. Even Melvin, who's usually pretty stiff himself, was ALOT better than me la. Haha but an interesting first.

Later, my dearie was very sweet. We're went shopping after her Income Tax test. She was very listless and distracted, and got me quite irritated. On the train ride home, i told her about it. Not only did she not get angry, she wrote me a very sweet note to apologize and folded it into a paper aeroplane (haha it was the only thing she knew how to fold).

When she left, she gave me a quick kiss on the train (which is against our no public places policy hehe). Afterwards, she sent me a very sweet sms saying how much she treasured our short moments together.

These made me very happy. But more importantly, I'm happy because I think our communications are improving greatly. I think I need to learn to share my unhappiness with her, even if she's the cause of the unhappiness. If she's unaware of it, the problem cannot be solved. I'm slowly learning this. Haha for all my talk about being open with each other, I need to be open too.

I think my dearie's very strong, in every sense of the word. Haha she's so going to whack me for this. But she really has to do alot sometimes (being paranoid on our train rides home). I'm really lucky to have her.

I love my dearie lots :)

PS: Must remember to buy some stocks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

better watch what you say. haha! - Seifer